1. No water inside the canal and the embankment outside
is up to the top bank of the canal.
2. Soil is saturated.
Procedure of analysis:
1. Compute for pressure at canal bottom using the formula:
Ph = ----------- x SoilWeight x CanalHeight
A = Angle of internal friction of soil
2. Compute for total shear on the wall:
Ph x Canalheight
Vh = ----------------
3. Compute for Moment @ Canal bottom
Vh x CanalHeight
Mh = ------------------
4. Compute for total Weight of Canal per 1-m strip (Wcanal).
5. Compute for soil bearing pressure assuming soil bearing
capacity is sufficient.
Pb = ---------------------
Canal Gross Width (W)
6. Compute for weight of canal flooring (Wslab)
Wslab = 2,400 x FloorThickness(t1)
7. Compute for uplift due to water pressure.
Wuplift = 1,000 x (CanalHeight + t1)
8. Net upward force acting on the canal bottom
Pv = Pb - Wslab + Wuplift
9. Compute for shear at slab support
Pv x CanalBase
Vv = --------------
10. Compute for Moment at Support
Pv x CanalBase^2
MvNeg = ----------------
11. Compute for Moment at Midspan
Pv x CanalBase^2
MvPos = ------------------
12. Using these moments, you can now compute for the
required steel reinforcements then compute
the required spacings.
As = -------
fs x j x d
* Assuming d is half of the member thickness or depending on your
decision whether where to put the reinforcements.
pahingi ng serial code alex. thanks..........elmer b. felisarta